About UVira

Just like all of you, we were affected by the pandemic. 

As we are older than most of you, we were concerned that the ability of our immune systems to protect us from the latest airborne threats was probably not enough.

While we followed the suggested precautions, we were still not comfortable. Our concern was that if one or both of us contracted covid there would be the possibility that one or both of us could suffer from long covid. 

That would be a devastating blow to our lives. It would affect everything – get togethers with our families and grandchildren, hanging out with our friends and neighbours, travelling to the places on our bucket list and so much more. One of us might have to become the full time caretaker of our partner.

So we searched for a cost effective and passive solution for our home. Just turn it on and our indoor living space would be safe. With the help of friends in the HVAC business, Google search (lots of great information), YouTube videos and input from health care professionals, we zeroed in on PremierONE™.

PremierONE™ have been in business for 30 years and their product line provides a complete and effective solution. It’s well engineered, easy to install (uses your existing heating and AC infrastructure) and comes with a Lifetime Warranty. In our opinion, its the most cost effective solution to eliminate all our homes indoor air quality problems.

Rather than just solving our problem, we wanted to share the benefits of the PremierONE™ solution with everyone. 

So we started UVira – hope we will be able to help you.

Cam and Eileen

UVira Polarized Filter Test

UVira Polarized Filter Install

UVira HEPA Filter

UVira IAQ Inc.
Proud Member of

Orillia District Chamber of Commerce

Client Testimonials

After speaking with Cam and learning about the UVira IAQ products, I was intrigued and wanted to experience the benefits for myself. Here was a product I had never heard about and didn’t know that I needed. I decided to have the whole system installed in my home – UV light, ozone option and the polarized filter.

I have suffered with allergies and continuous congestion for years. I thought it was normal to take an allergy pill daily, not be able to breathe and have a constant runny nose. So, I have to say, I went into the venture with hopes that I would see and feel a difference but was still a little skeptical.

I clearly remember asking Cam when I would start to notice a difference. I vividly remember saying, “so within what two or three weeks I should notice”. His response shocked me when he stated I should start to notice changes within a day or two. To my amazement I did!

Within a couple of days, I noticed that I was no longer congested. Since the system was installed in late November, I think I have only taken one allergy pill. The dust in the house has significantly reduced (which is an added bonus).

I am thrilled with the UVira system and glad that I added this to my home. I would highly recommend this system to anyone with allergies, auto-immune deficiencies or breathing challenges. I feel a lot better having this system in my home and I am thankful that Cam introduced this solution to me.

Angela – Orillia

We purchased a home that we were very excited about; however, one of our initial concerns was that there was a strong and distinct musty odour throughout the entire home. This was due to the fact that the former owner had moved out the previous November and there had been very little air flow in the home for a seven-month period.

The pervasiveness of the odour started to wear on the both of us, and began to taint our enjoyment of our new home. Everything changed when we had Premier One Products, Inc. install a germicidal UVC unit and HEPA air filter.

By the very night of the installation, we noticed that the smell was gone. Now that we have had the unit for a month or so, we have almost forgotten that pervasive musty odour. We are grateful that the house smells fresh and take satisfaction that we are now breathing clean, healthy air.

Dan and Nicole

I just wanted to drop you a letter to express how satisfied our family is with the PremierOne polarized media air cleaner you recommended to use several months ago. 

As you know, my wife suffers from severe allergies and asthma. Unfortunately, my children have inherited both of those traits to differing degrees, and it seems to be getting worse as they get older.

Since installing the air cleaner my wife has not had a single attack. She hasn’t even had to get up several times in the middle of the night to take “puffs” from her inhaler, as she had to before the unit was installed. Her allergies also seem to be non-existent after she has been in the house for a while. 

One other benefit my wife is enjoying is that the filter has eliminated her dusting routine to once per week vs twice a week. With our busy schedules, that really helps. 

My three children seem to be accruing the same benefits my wife has. I have told several of my friends, colleagues and neighbours about your product. I would be happy to recommend it to anyone.


We have been using our air purification system for approximately 10 months now and the results are amazing. 

My wife has pretty severe asthma and has also had to have sinus surgery to relieve some of her issues. To top that off, we also have 6 pets. Even after the surgery, she was continuing to need to use her inhaler 1-2 times daily. Since the installation of the system, this number has dropped to 1-2 times a MONTH! ……

She also had a tendency to get sick several times throughout the year (winter and summer) and since the installation of the system, she has not been sick once. …..

Additionally, she has pretty intense allergies that required her to take 1 allergy pill every day. During the 10 months we have had the system, she has only used half of the 60-pack of OTC medication she normally buys. 

We also have a 8 month old daughter who has not gotten sick once despite numerous illnesses at her daycare.

Another noticeable effect of the system is that my wife was dusting our house every other day, mostly due to all our pets. Since we have had the system installed, she has only had to dust once a WEEK! 

It has been an incredible change. 

I would HIGHLY recommend Premier One and their products. I have seen firsthand how much of an effect the air purification system can have on my family and I and will have it installed in any place that I live from now on.


I just wanted to thank you for recommending the PremierOne polarized media air cleaner to me. I can’t believe the difference it has made in Elisa’s health.

As I told you, she missed seventeen days of school the first semester. She has not missed a day since we installed the air purification system.

I can’t believe just two months ago, her pediatrician was recommending surgery on her sinuses. I am truly grateful that I called you and had your product installed in our home.

I used to start every morning with three Tylenol because I always have headaches. I didn’t even think about this system helping anyone else in the family but I no longer have my headaches either.

I can’t tell you the difference it has made in our lives. It is always hard having a sick child but not being able to do anything to help her was really frustrating.

I have recommended your product to many of my friends. I can’t thank you enough for recommending this system.


Right now, my local heating technician is here for my Fall tuneup. The technician is Paul and he told me that he is a UV believer because of our home. 

He was one of the techs who installed our polarized media filter and UV system with odour control several years ago. He came back six months later for a tune up and our house cleaner was cooking ham-

burger. He saw the hamburger being cooked but could not smell it! Just wanted to share!


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UVira IAQ Inc.

322 Forest Ave. North - Upper
Orillia, Ontario
L3V 3Y7

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UVira IAQ Inc.

24 Laguna Parkway, Unit 19
Brechin, Ontario
L0K 1B0

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